Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

In Santa Clarita, CA near the Agua Dulce Winery.

Do I need to make an appointment before coming?

Yes, we are by appointment only. We are very busy and our horses are in a full training program so their weeks are planned in advance. We try to accommodate last minute appointments as often as we can but please schedule a few days ahead of time.

Are you open on weekends?

Yes, we are available 7 days a week by appointment.

How long are the horses with you before they are adopted?

It varies a lot. Some arrive and are ready for their new homes within weeks whereas some have stayed with us as long as 1.5 years or even permanently .

Do the horses come with their Jockey Club papers?

Some do and some don't. The bill of sale is the true proof of ownership so the JC papers are not necessary past their track life but if we get them we will pass them along with the horse.